
Gandhi Webquest


Before starting the reading of our next book "Gandhi" you will have to do some research work in order to gather information about him and his impact on India and its people.This will lead you to a better understanding of the book. Remember that your work will be evaluated.

  • Directions: find the answers to the following questions, using the linked resources (websites) below to learn more about Gandhi's impact on India.
- We will divide the webquest in two sessions:
a) Find the answers to questions1-5 for tomorrow (Tuesday, the14th of February)
b) Find the answers to questions 6-10 for the day after tomorrow (Wednesday, the 15th of February)

  1. Define and describe Gandhi's key ideas for bringing about change in India:
    • Satyagraha - 
    • ahimsa -
  2. What are some non-violent methods Gandhi used to force the British government to loosen their control of India? 
  3. What was the Dandi March, also known as the Salt March? 
  4. How did Gandhi gain rights for India's "untouchables" (now known as Dalits)? What was Gandhi's name for these people?
  5. How did Gandhi's ideas improve the status of women in Indian society? 
  6. Why did Gandhi promote the idea of Indians spinning and weaving their own cloth?
  7. What was the partition of India, and how did Gandhi feel about it?
  8. What was the Quit India movement, and what was its goal?
  9.  How did Gandhi try to end the violence between Hindus and Muslims as India gained its independence from Britain? 
  10. What other world leaders and civil rights movements have been inspired by Gandhi and his ideas?

Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi
Gandhi and Status of Women
Timeline of Gandhi's Life
Gandhi, Part 3 (see Turning Against the British and The Salt March)
Gandhi is his real hero, Obama tells U.S. kidsVIDEO 
Ask Gandhi:

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